The current city is set to this city. Sets the current city to this city and automatically downloads the new information. City menu Use this menu to set the current city. Not available now because the preferences window is on the screen. City menu Use this menu to set the current city. The information will automatically be downloaded and the city added as a secondary city to the Recent menu. The current city is within this state or province. Sets the current city to one within this state or province. State/Province menu Use this menu to set the state or province for the current city. Not available now because the preferences window is on the screen. State/Province menu Use this menu to set the state or province for the current city. Not available now because the current country or region is not split into states or provinces. State/Province menu Use this menu to set the state or province for the current city. The current city is within this country or region. Sets the current city to one within this country or region. Country/Region menu Use this menu to set the country or region for the current city. Not available now because the preferences window is on the screen. Country/Region menu Use this menu to set the country or region for the current city. The current city is set to this secondary city. Sets the current city to this secondary city. The current city is set to this primary city. Sets the current city to this primary city. Recent menu Use this menu to switch quickly between several cities. Not available now because the preferences window is on the screen. Recent menu Use this menu to switch quickly between several cities. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen. Location menu Use this menu to set the city for which information is displayed. Not available now because the preferences window is on the screen. Location menu Use this menu to set the city for which information is displayed. Not available now because a dialog box is on the screen. Location menu Use this menu to set the city for which information is displayed.